
Registration Information & Fees

Registration Type

Registration Fees (Early bird, before 23rd October)

Registration Fees (Starting from 24th October)

Regular Participant 

3575 RMB (550USD)

3775 RMB (580USD)

Extra Page Charge (over 5 pages)

400 RMB (55USD)/page

400 RMB (55USD)/page

Co-author/Listener/Accompany Person

1200 RMB (180USD)/person

1200 RMB (180USD)/person


The Registration Fee Includes:

For Regular Participant

For Co-author/Listener/Accompany Person

1. Paper presentation

1. Conference program

2. Paper publication

2. Access to all technical sessions

3. Conference proceedings

3. Certificate for attendance

4. Conference program


5. Access to all technical sessions


6. Certificate for presentation/attendance




NOT included in the registration fee: 

  1. • Accommodation

  2. • Visa application cost

  3. • Transportation fee

  4. • Publishing papers in SCI-indexed journals  



Please send your payment proof to the conference secretary via email. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within seven (7) days after receiving your payment. 


How to Pay

Kindly email to us for getting the invoice or registration instruction. Following payment methods are available:

• Paypal

• Bank